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Category: DDA

Aug 06
Top 10 Property Developers in South India: A Complete Guide

India grows with a rapid pace and has one of the most interesting real estate markets, together with Vietnam, according to PWC. This is mainly thanks to long-term economic growths and a shift in manufacturing trends in the region. Not surprisingly, this also means more work for local and international real estate companies and developers. And of course, more and more property investors turn their eyes to these countries. In this article, I list some of the top real estate builders in India. 1. Godrej Founded in 2010, Godrej Properties is a subsidiary of Godrej…

Jul 29
Property Tax Calculation – A Complete Guide

When you buy a home, there are several taxes that the purchaser has to pay. While stamp duty and registration are one-time charges, the property tax is a recurring charge that the owner has to pay every year. How do you calculate property tax The owner of a property is liable to pay the tax levied by the local body (for example, the municipality) and such a tax is called the property tax. This tax may vary from one location to another and there are various other factors that determine the amount…

Jul 25
DDA Housing Scheme 2019 Draw Result Declared To Allot 10,294 Flats of Vasant Kunj and Narela in Delhi

The Delhi Development Authority has announced the draw result for the second phase of its housing scheme for 2019 on July 23, under which it offered over 10,294 low-income, middle-income and high-income group (LIG, MIG and LIG) flats in Delhi’s Vasant Kunj and Narela. The registration of these homes, which started on March 25, was ended on June 10.  How to check results of DDA Housing Scheme 2019 Applicants can view the live streaming available at the The draw of lots will be based on the random number generation system. Interested applicants can also visit DDA…